Tuesday, November 25, 2014

As a hobbyist photographer, I take thousands of pictures a week. And a lot of them I have been told are good. But there's sometimes one shot you get at just the right angle, just the right time, just the right place. And you completely fall in love with it. This is one of those shots. 

The best thing about this picture was that it was barely edited at all. When you have the right camera and take pictures from the right angles, you can create just about any effect you want. 

The area this was taken in holds a lot of good and bad memories in it, but it's pretty fantastic for taking sunset pictures. There are so many good photos you can get from a little park within a neighborhood that no one knows about. 

But honestly the envoronment helped a lot too. I'm not the biggest fan of Florida, but I really love the sunsets here. I'm so blessed to be able to see this kind of thing every day. 

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