Tuesday, November 25, 2014

For this one, I was actually lucky enough to be able to get it from a seventh floor balcony. This was in Daytona Beach; since it was a youth retreat, we were required to get up super early, and it was amazing being able to see the sunrise every day for five days in a row. Even now once in a while I will get up early to watch the sunrise; they're just as beautiful as sunsets, and much less appreciated. 

The thing I like about sunrises is that they symbolize a new day, a new hope. If the day before wasn't good, then you have a new day to start out fresh and be happy. If something went wrong you can start again. I love not only the sheer beauty of the sunrise but what it symbolizes as well. Although at the time I was not happy about having to get up early, once I saw that sunrise I was immediately thankful. It had changed my perception; I look forward to each new sunrise. 

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