Saturday, November 29, 2014

I think pictures of flowers are always my best shots. 

My grandmother, who practically raised me for 3 years, died recently, and one of her things were flowers. She loved flowers. She would make it a point to point out flowers every time I was out an about with her, and I can almost hear her say even now that flowers were one of God's greatest creations. 

I agree. 

Flowers make me feel peaceful, and happy. I think a big reason I love them so much was because of her too. I just love how something so small, so seemingly insignificant, can be so gorgeous. Each one is completely different from te next, and yet each still beautiful. 

Why can't we view people like that? Each person is beautiful but in their own separate way - just like flowers. 

I make it a point to get the best shots for flowers. I really want to try to bring out as much of their beauty as I can. 

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